Aim: Identify inpatient stays that qualify for one-day surgery.
Numerator: Patients with at least one surgical intervention feasible in one day (captured by the following algorithm) and with neither a diagnosis nor an procedure requiring an inpatient stay. Stays exceeding 4 days of hositalisation are not considered as candidates for one day surgery.
Denominator: All programmed admissions with at least one procedure justifying an inpatient stay or feasible in one day, without transfer or death. Newborns are excluded.
Expected rates: A minimal rate of 15% is considered as a realistic target (it is achieved by a about one half of the Swiss hospitals).
Strength of the Indicator: Candidates for one-day surgery include a broad spectrum of procedures, measuring the potential surgical move from in- to outpatient. This indicator is regularly updated to take into account the latest innovations. Exclusion of patients with diagnoses or interventions requiring a hospitalization provides guarantees regarding the feasibility.
Limitation: Some patients presenting particular non-medical risks (e.g. people without help of care givers at home, no confidence on the patient behavior if a complication occurs, home away from hospital, etc.), it is not possible to abolish totally those candidates for one-day surgery.
Output files: DaySurgery.xlsx; Eligible_surgery.txt. Results are given globally by hosptial and site in the Excel file, with the frequencies of procedures eligible for one day surgery. General information about SQLape output files can be found here.
The review tool provide detailed data on all candidates for one day surgery.
Scientific validation: Gilliard N, Eggli Y, Halfon P. A methodology to estimate the potential to move inpatient to one day surgery. BMC Health Serv Research 2006;6:78.