SQLape® (pronounced [eskulaep]) is a registered trade-mark for a set of family-designed tools for health management and planning. It is the acronym of “Striving for high Quality Level and Alleviation of Patients Expenditures”.

It is also the homonym of the Roman’s god of medicine. Aesculapius was the son of Apollo and received from Athena two vials of Medusa’s blood, one to kill, the other to bring back to life. Worried that the world order would be changed, Hades complained to his brother Zeus, who killed Aesculapius with a thunderbolt. After Aesculapius’ death, Zeus placed his body among the stars as the constellation Ophiuchus (« the Serpent Holder »). The serpent around its rod became the main attribute of this god. During the Antiquity, non-venomous snakes were walking freely in the temple of Aesculapius at Epidaurus, and the legend says that Aesculapius revealed healing remedies to priests during their dreams. His secrets then got lost in the mists of time, Aesculapius himself disappeared, merely appearing here and there as his eponymous snaked.

Recently, his legend was revived. Son of science and computer science, he received two vials: one with the power of analyzing terrible medical conditions, the other granting miraculous procedures. Some complained that the right order of the world was likely to be upset and Aesculapius was anew thunderstruck. However, he still has servants who worship him through SQLape®. So if you see a health priest frozen in front of his screen, do not bother him: his quest for health quality at the lowest cost could be disturbed…